••Wear is primarily caused by abrasion, adhesion and surface fatigue. •Damage increases with particle hardness and the number of particles.
•Major wear is caused by particles about the same size as the critical dynamic clearances.
•There is a significant increase in the number of particles as the particle size decreases.
Liquid Contamination
•Water contamination in fluid systems causes:
–Fluid breakdown, such as additive precipitation, oil oxidation, acid formation, thickening, varnish & sludge.
–Cavitation, foaming & air entrainment problems.
–Reduced lubricating film thickness leading to accelerated metal surface fatigue.
–Bacterial & fungal growth.
–Poor filterability & valve stiction.
–Reduced dielectric properties.
Water can be present in two forms:
Disolve WaterFree (emulsified or droplets).
Dissolved (below saturation).
Typical sources of water ingress
•Through system vents / breathers.
•From leaking coolers and heat exchangers.
•Through leaking seals & reservoir covers.
•Precipitation of dissolved water due to a fall in temperature.
•Introduction of contaminated top-up fluid.
Rain leaking into incorrectly stowed barrels &external reservoirs.
Gaseous Contamination
•Air contamination in fluid can be in the following forms:
-Dissolved air causes oxidation & accelerates additive depletion.
-Entrained (10-3to 1 mm bubbles); cause oil compressibility, poor heat transfer, film strength failure, oxidation, cavitation & varnishing.
-Free (trapped air pockets); cause hydraulic compressibility, corrosion, vapor lock & loss of system controls.
Foam (> 1 mm bubbles); has a similar effect to Free air.
Gaseous Contamination
•The level of contamination is also measured as a % by volume.
•In the case of air contamination, the various categories are usually defined as:
-Dissolved - Up to 10% air (typical for mineral oils).
-Entrained - 10 to 30% air.
-Foam - Over 30% air.
Foaming is considered to be a problem requiring action if:
The equipment is lubricated with foam instead of oil
The foam inhibits heat transfer and encourages oxidation and thermal failure of the oil. The foam leads to air locks and inability to effectively supply oil to lubricated components.
The oil spills onto the floor creating a safety hazard. The oil level in the sump or reservoir becomes impossible to control.
About Bacteria in Diesel Bacteria in diesel is a well known problem to anyone who works with diesel engines, because it is the Number 1 cause of engine breakdowns. Diesel is an organic fuel. It provides an ideal environment for microscopic fungi, yeast and bacteria to feed and grow. There is:
dissolved water for germination
carbon for food
oxygen and sulfur for respiration
trace elements for growth and propagation.
No one knows when they receive contaminated diesel, but once contaminated diesel enters the fuel system, it is very difficult to eradicate. Acquired from the air and any moisture, during tank filling and/or expansion and contraction of storage tanks, the bacteria cover themselves in a protective film (slime) to protect against biocides and lie dormant in the minute crevices of the metal, rubber and polyurethane coatings of the fuel tanks and fuel systems. Then, when water is present [a droplet is a lake to a microbe] and the environment hits the right temperature range, they begin reproduction in the fuel water interface
As many as 27 varieties of bacteria are responsible for the majority of problems with diesel engines and their performance.These many differing types of bacteria infect systems and form bio-films on steel surfaces. Accelerated corrosion occurs wherever the bio-film settles, usually in the form of pits or crevices. Unlike general corrosion, it is an attack on a very specific area.. Microscopic in size, they can develop into a mat easily visible to the naked eye very quickly. A single cell, weighing only one millionth of a gram can grow to a biomass of 10 kilograms in just 12 hours, resulting in a biomass several centimetres thick across the fuel/water interface.
Each specie has its own characteristics. BACTERIA: utilise hydrocarbons and reproduce asexually by binary fission; swelling in size as they feed, they then separate into two cells. In this way, microbes double their numbers every 20 minutes, one spore converting to 262,144 in 6 hours. IRON REDUCING BACTERIA: also contribute to corrosion, eating steel and reducing ferrite to an oxide through a chemical reaction . YEASTS: prefer acidic environments, such as produced by SRB's. They bud on the parent cell, eventually separating. Reproduction takes several hours. FUNGUS:grow in the form of branched hyphae, a few microns in diameter, forming thick, tough, intertwined myciel mats at fuel/water interfaces. SULPHATE REDUCING BACTERIA (SRB): are a specific group of bacteria utilising simple carbon, not hydrocarbons, and require the activity of other microbes in a consortium. Aerobic (in the presence of oxygen) or anaerobic (without oxygen) bacteria have a combined effect. The aerobic bacteria (sulphate oxidising) create a film to consume the oxygen first. This allows the anaerobic (sulphate reducing) bacteria to thrive. SRB's reduce sulphates to produce hydrogen sulphide [a lethal gas]. They are directly involved with many microbial corrosion reactions and can cause sulphide souring of stored distillate products. Their action changes the Ph creating an acidic environment, conducive to accelerated corrosion. They attach themselves to the steel as a film and go to work. They derive their nutrition from the surrounding environment and multiply. They are particularly difficult to deal with and produce a sludgy by-product with a strong sulfur odour similar to rotten eggs [hydrogen sulphide].